Outpatient Rehab in Denver, CO
Continuum Recovery Center of Denver, CO is passionate about treating individuals who have an addiction to drugs and alcohol at our unique outpatient rehab center. Drug and alcohol addiction are devastating illnesses that destroy people’s lives, ruin their future, and fracture families. It’s estimated that nearly 100,000 people a year die from addiction-related causes. Confronting the damage from addiction, asking for help, and seeking treatment can seem like an overwhelming challenge. Fortunately, our rehab center in Colorado can help you rediscover and reclaim your life.
The good news is that it’s well worth the time and effort to seek treatment. Once you’ve decided to take that step, outpatient rehab at Continuum Recovery Center of Colorado is here to help.
Our Philosophy
The disease of addiction is complex, involving elements of genetics, family of origin issues, trauma, and an individual’s spiritual and social development. There is no single solution for everyone. That’s why our experienced team takes the time to understand your unique history and develop an approach that gives you the best chance of long-term recovery. We design tailored, distinctive, and holistic programs for alcohol & drug treatment that meet you where you are, rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach.