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Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism is a major problem in America and can easily affect the people you love. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), more than 88,000 people in the U.S. die each year from alcohol-related deaths. Alcohol continues to be one of the most common causes of preventable deaths. There is no exact number of drinks a person has to have to be an alcoholic. It differs for each person based on their age, weight, and tolerance level. But alcoholism is treatable. It takes hard work but it can be done, especially when working with a reputable, trusted treatment program like Continuum Recovery of Colorado. We provide a customized, holistic, patient-centric approach to outpatient alcohol rehab in Denver, CO.

Comprehensive Outpatient Alcohol Rehab in Denver

We work closely with clients and their families to provide comprehensive alcohol rehab in Denver, CO, in a supportive environment. Our holistic approach includes emotional, spiritual, and physical wellness. We feel this arrangement helps our clients prepare for the transition to society. As part of our supportive outpatient services, clients receive individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy. Co-occurring disorders are addressed as well.

What is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism, which is also referred to as alcohol use disorder, is a term used to describe a chronic disease where an individual is unable to stop drinking alcohol despite the consequences of doing so. It is a disease that impacts roughly one in eight Americans, making it extremely pervasive. Those who are afflicted with alcoholism, though, are not those who find themselves drinking a little more than they should on a special occasion. Instead, they host a preoccupation with alcohol that impacts their ability to carry out their lives responsibly or effectively. They have developed a tolerance to alcohol, meaning that they need to increase how much they drink regularly, as well as a dependence to it.  

Alcohol Abuse vs Alcohol Addiction: The Subtle Difference

It’s not always easy to recognize an alcohol problem. Alcohol is socially acceptable and commonly found in restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and more. It’s easy for people to mix in with other drinkers and claim their behaviors are social. Many don’t realize they have a problem with abuse or addiction until it’s severe.

There are clear differences between alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction. The main distinguishing factor is that abuse is drinking too much and addiction is the inability to quit. Tolerance and withdrawal are two indications that alcohol abuse has progressed into addiction. Other signs may include losing control, allowing alcohol to take over your responsibilities, and drinking despite negative consequences.

Warning Signs of an Alcohol Addiction

Though each person is unique, alcohol abuse follows a similar pattern. Denial is common and only ends up delaying recovery. Rather than waiting for rock bottom to hit, it’s best to address these issues early on:

  • Lying about Drinking Habits
  • Drinking Alone or in Secret
  • Neglecting Responsibilities at Home and Work
  • Being Unable to Stop Once Started
  • Drinking in Dangerous Situations
  • Relationship Problems
  • Experiencing Financial Problems Due to Drinking
  • Increased Tolerance
  • Withdrawal Symptoms
  • Not Being Able to Quit
  • Using Others Drugs to Counteract Effects of Alcohol
  • Feeling the Need to Drink In Order to Cope
  • Feeling Unable to Function Without Alcohol


Denver Alcoholism Statistics

Denver is no stranger to alcohol. In fact, in 2019, the now Director of Denver Public Health Bill Burman stated that, “Denver has a drinking problem”. He certainly wasn’t wrong, as made obvious by the statistics below:

  • Of the 30,000 people who went to the emergency room for substance use related issues, approximately 36% of them were for alcohol public 
  • Roughly 46 people per day were admitted to community based detox centers in 2019
  • 38% of fatal car accidents in the Denver area were a result of drunk driving
  • More than 27% of citizens living in Denver binge drink

The best, most effective way to avoid becoming part of these statistics is to seek professional addiction treatment immediately to safely stop drinking for good.

Outpatient Alcohol Rehab in Denver

A large part of alcohol rehab in Denver is understanding what led you to a dysfunctional and addictive relationship with it, leading to the consequences you’re now dealing with.

For some people, it was normal experimenting as a teen that developed into tolerance, dependence, and addiction. For others, it was an escape from problems or self-medicating the symptoms of anxiety, bipolar depression, attention-deficit disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Ultimately, you must learn to live comfortably without the use of alcohol and develop coping skills for the inevitable ups and downs of life. We’ll uncover the root causes of the “why” of alcohol addiction. What are your triggers? By understanding these questions, you learn to protect your recovery by developing healthy skills such as deep breathing, yoga, and meditation.

If you would like to apply for Pre-Admissions into our Treatment Program, see our Pre-Admissions Section for Enrolling In Treatment. 

For more Information Regarding our Holistic Outpatient Alcohol Treatment and Rehabilitation Services in Denver, Colorado, Call Us Today. We look forward to Discussing the Best Option for You or a Loved One.

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