Every year, suicide takes the lives of nearly 45,000 Americans. It’s the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. These tragedies leave behind hundreds of thousands of family members and friends who must find a way to deal with their loss. Those left behind struggle with suicide survival in Denver, CO.
The fact is, their loved ones are gone, but they are still here, dealing with the sorrow, guilt and a host of other emotions stirred up by suicide. To provide support for the individuals and families struggling through this grief, the International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day was established.
Survivor Day history
The day, also known as Survivor Day, was established in 1999. Senator Harry Reid was inspired to introduce the idea after losing his father to suicide. His resolution passed, and Congress designated the day as one on which people who have been affected by suicide can find support and healing.
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is assigned to the Saturday before Thanksgiving each year. For those who have lost a loved one to suicide, the winter holidays can be particularly hard, so Congress chose this day at the beginning of the holiday season to offer extra support.
Survivor Day events
Each year on this day, hundreds of events take place to bring people together for support related to suicide survival in Denver, CO. Survivors find understanding as they connect with others who have shared similar circumstances. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention supports many of these events, providing documentaries and other resources to spread a message of resilience, connection and hope. The organization sponsored 370 events in 2018, which took place in 19 countries around the world.
Why Survivor Day
Roughly one-fourth of Americans over 18 are affected by depression, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These individuals need support, but the National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that only half of Americans who experience a major depression episode receive treatment.
To prevent further suicide casualties, it’s important to offer supports such as the International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. One meaningful encounter could make all the difference in someone’s world. One key connection could save someone’s life.
Find support on Survivor Day
From Los Angeles to Rome, events are happening around the world this November 23. Check out this listing of events to find one near you. If you’ve experienced suicide survival in Denver, CO, this day could provide the exact support you need for the holiday season ahead.
Treatment Centers in Colorado
Contact the professionals at Continuum Recovery of Colorado. Our team has resources to provide the support you and your loved ones need this season. Our mission is to integrate a continuum of care for those needing treatment and recovery support services. Using individual, group and family counseling, medication management and holistic therapies, our qualified staff helps you build a foundation for long-term recovery. Reach out to us today for more information on suicide-related or substance abuse treatment resources.